The Voice Of The Humble Electron
The Whitman Amateur Radio Club, Inc.
P.O. Box 48; Whitman, MA. 02382
ARRL # 0082

                                                           Web site
Club Call Sign: WA1NPO                         July 2000                          Repeater: 147.225+ MHz

Hellllloooo WHITMAN!

Well, Field Day 2000 is history! The Propagation gods may not have been in our favor this year but the equipment gods, the weather gods & fun gods were there! We had a very nice turn out with 12 overnighters! We had N1OIU's 40 ft tower, which went up real slick.(if only the 10 meter propagation god had been there!) We had our CW hot shot W1WSN cranking out 40 meter contacts all night. N1VTI and his 20 meter folded dipole were there. N1ZZN was there on 6 meters (and made half the 80 meters contacts too!). W5IRW made some PSK31 contacts! N1SON, N1SOM & NI1X were busy on 40 Meter SSB. N1VQZ was fending off the pileups on 80-meter SSB late into the night or actually into the morning! My only disappointment was that Vice-President N1FRE would not stand still for very long with an apple on his head! After all I needed a little practice with the bow & arrow before I put up the dipoles! We will have particulars and photo's for the August Newsletter.

Everyone seemed to have had a great time and we didn't poison anyone at Saturday night's cookout!

Everyone went home with equipment ideas for NEXT YEAR'S Field Day!

N1VQZ is taking over the newsletter so if you have anything you want included get it to her early!

Summer is upon us and everyone (including me) will be busy summering. So have a GREAT SUMMER!

I want to make special note WQ1L & NI1X (with N1FRE's lawnmower) did a great job on the club house lawn! It is one of those chores that need to be done and I appreciate it when I don't have to do it!






OPENING: The members started to gather at the Quonset Hut, on Pine Street in Whitman, about 7:00. Handouts of the last meeting's minutes were distributed. Club President, Chris N1WWI opened the meeting at 07:47 P.M with a roll call.

ATTENDANCE: The total attendance was 13 and included all of the elected officers.

Charlet Sherman N1VQZ Chris Tilden N1WWI

John Murphy N1TWI Roy Logan KB1CYV

Jim Gilbert W5IRW George Davis KC1FZ

Bruce Hayden NI1X Kevin Carman KB1FEL

Bill Hayden N1FRE Jeff Tracy N1SOM

Loren Pimental N1IQI Tom Lehmann N1ZZM

Jim Wolf N1OIU


Jeff N1SOM read the treasurer's report for the month of May. Loren N1IQI made a motion to accept the report as read, seconded by Jim W5IRW and approved.

Jeff stated that Mass Electric has changed hands to Edison. The change over gave us a $50 credit, of which $18 was used for May. We average about $15 per month on the bill.


Chris N1WWI had spoken to Ron N1PXX on the repeater and announced that Ron had his last surgery and is doing well.



Tom N1TWI made a motion to have Roy KB1CYV and Loren N1IQI count the ballots, Jim W5IRW seconded the motion, and it was approved. Roy and Loren counted the ballots on the front table.

The results of the count, all 27 of the submitted ballots were unanimous for the slate of elected officers. Twenty-six ballots were for the elected director of Steve Rudin, and one was not completed. Charlet N1VQZ read off the results.

Here are the new officers for this year:

Chris N1WWI President

Bill N1FRE Vice President

Jeff N1SOM Treasurer

Charlet N1VQZ Secretary

Steve W1WSN Board of Directors


Chris N1WWI informed all that the Ames Nowell permit application has been submitted. He also gives a copy to the local police. Bill N1FRE suggested that a copy also be given to the local fire department, and that Jeff N1SOM put a copy of the field day site map in the newsletter to be mailed before field day.

Steve W1WSN plans to operate cw on 40 meters. Jeff N1SOM expressed his interest in operating on 20 meters. Bruce NI1X has Fred's backup rig. Jeff N1ZZN can operate 6 meters. Chris N1WWI will bring his 840. Jim W5IRW also has a rig that can do 6 meters, and Bruce NI1X has a 6-meter and a 17-meter antenna. Bill N1FRE has a 160/80-meter dipole available. John N1TWI has a rig that can operate with Bill's 160-meter dipole.

Bruce NI1X made a motion that $100 be appropriated for food for field day, Jim N1OIU seconded it, and the motion passed. Tom N1ZZM offered to help with the cooking.

Discussion then turned to gas donations and the generator. Several members made offers to bring gas in appropriate containers. Jim N1OIU can build a fitting to gravity feed the generator. He has a can with a fitting he will donate for use. George KC1FZ brought the power supply.

Chris N1WWI has the field day packet from the Internet. Jeff N1SOM will have the log books and dupe sheets ready. Jim W5IRW hopes to be operating H.F. digital pk32 if he can get it working, if so he will do a station on his 706.


At 8:40 p.m., Jim N1OIU made a motion to adjourn, Bruce NI1X seconded the motion, and the meeting was adjourned.

End of June 2000 Traffic Report


69/70/71/72/73 ROUTINE K1BZD 11 Whitman, MA 08:55 06/25/00




Walt K1BZD


OPENING: The members started to gather at the Quonset Hut, on Pine Street in Whitman, about 7:00. Handouts of the last meeting's minutes were distributed. Club President, Chris N1WWI opened the meeting at 07:35 P.M with a roll call.

ATTENDANCE: The total attendance was 17 and included all of the elected officers and two members of the board of directors.

Charlet Sherman N1VQZ Chris Tilden N1WWI

Ed Meehan N1NTZ Kevin Carman KB1FEL

Jeff Lehmann N1ZZN Jim Wolf N1OIU

Walt Dolson K1BZD Jim Gilbert W5IRW

George Davis KC1FZ Bruce Hayden NI1X

Bill Hayden N1FRE Evelyn Foley K1EF

Mike Canney K1MRG Frank Hayes N1OGP

Jeff Tracy N1SOM Tom Lehmann N1ZZM

Keith Lehmann SWL


Charlet N1VQZ handed out copies of the minutes from the June 7 meeting. Ed N1NTZ made a motion to accept the minutes as distributed, Walt K1BZD seconded the motion, and the minutes were approved.


Jeff N1SOM read the treasurer's report for the month of June. Ed N1NTZ made a motion to accept the report as read, seconded by Evelyn K1EF and approved.

Ed N1NTZ asked about how much was earned through the club sale of donated items at the Rochester Flea Market in May. Jeff N1SOM replied that the net profit was $867.


Harry Lehmann is in the hospital with a broken leg. Harry is the owner of the cottage in NH, which he so kindly let the club use last year for a special event station. He is also father to Tom N1ZZM and grandfather of Jeff N1ZZM. Walt K1BZD will send him a card from the club.



Bill N1FRE made a motion to accept the membership application of Kevin Carman KB1FEL. Bruce NI1X and Walt K1BZD seconded the motion, and the motion was approved. Kevin did participate in our field day activities last month, and brought along several young people to introduce them to the hobby.


Bill N1FRE made a motion that we renew our subscription of the donated issue of QST magazine for the Whitman Public Library at a cost of $34 for a year. Ed N1NTZ amended the motion to make it a 3-year subscription at a lower per year cost. Walt K1BZD seconded the motion. Jeff N1SOM will call the ARRL tomorrow to find the cost for the three-year subscription, and mail them a check for that amount.


Jeff N1ZZN announced that the cottage in NH was available for a summer special event station. Discussion was held on the best weekend to go, and a tentative schedule for the first weekend in August, the 4th, 5th, and 6th, was selected. Members interested should contact Jeff N1ZZN or Chris N1WWI, and Jeff will check on the availability of the cottage for that weekend. Plans will be finalized at the August meeting, and over the Sunday morning nets.


Charlet N1VQZ will be taking over editing the newsletter. If you have anything for the newsletter, let her know. Jeff N1ZZN will also publish it on the web page.


Jeff N1ZZN informed members that the weekend of July 15th and 16th is the Museum Ships Special Event, and the USS Salem will be taking part. The ship will be open to the public, and he will be participating as one of the Salem's operators.

Chris N1WWI noted that on July 29, the Bristol County and Fall River amateur radio clubs are holding a Geekfest, a flea market and clam bake.



Bill N1FRE displayed the certificate of appreciation received from the Whitman Hanson High School for our donation to their scholarship fund. He also read aloud the thank you card received from the recipient, Sheena Lake. She plans to attend Bridgewater State College, majoring in communications. Mike K1MRG inquired as to how the recipient of the award is chosen; the school does the selection of who receives the scholarship.


Chris N1WWI gave a rough count of the contacts made over field day. There were 616 contacts, which included 297 side band, over 300 cw by Steve W1WSN, also several PK31 and FM contacts were made. Over 20 members and guests visited and / or operated. Walt K1BZD forwarded the field day message on Sunday night, the 25th.

Bill N1FRE submitted the Field Day write up done by Charlet N1VQZ to the newspaper. Bruce NI1X and Jeff N1ZZN suggested that the article also be submitted to The Whitman News and The Hanson Town Crier, which Bill will do.

Further discussion was held on how well Chris's N1WWI bow and arrow and Jim's W5IRW slingshot worked for stringing antennas. Also discussed was the need for better communication on band use, as far as sharing among several operators, coverage during sleep time, etc.


Bill N1FRE has replaced the padlock on the front gate, the old one was not working correctly.


For the month of July, the net controls will be

July 2nd Chris N1WWI

July 9th Bruce NI1X

July 16th Bill N1FRE

July 23rd Jim W5IRW

July 30th Charlet N1VQZ


George KC1FZ and Roy KB1CYV were the foxes last weekend and held the hunters at bay for quite some time. They hid in Norwell, in a cemetery behind the Methodist Church. The Doppler boys, Bob KA1DZA and Joe came in first.


Jeff N1ZZN announced that the Mara club is working on earning money for updating their repeater equipment, and is collecting cans. If you have any to donate, contact Gil WA1GDJ.

George KC1FZ and Jeff N1ZZN reported that there was some Skywarn activity during last week's storms. During the June storms, spotters documented downburst damage by camera.

Hank Riley has been launching balloons with transmitters, which can be tracked by radio. Roy KB1CYV tracked one from his backyard.


At 8:15 p.m., Frank N1OGP and Ed N1NTZ made a motion to adjourn, Jim N1OIU seconded the motion, and the meeting was adjourned.